Marketing Solutions | Kisaco Research

Based on your objectives, we can create bespoke packages designed specifically for you. From presenting your expertise on the main stage to hosting an exclusive networking drinks, you can partner with us to showcase your brand and make valuable new connections. Opportunities predominantly lie in 3 main categories: Thought Leadership, Branding and Networking. Contact [email protected] for more information.

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Thought Leadership

Our global conference and webinar series helps define the industry agenda for the months ahead. Taking a lead role allows our partners to influence the content and direction of our forums, share their insights and shape not only the discussion during these meetings but for the industry as a whole.

  • Keynotes
    The premium opportunity to access senior leaders and innovators within our network is at our annual flagship event run annually in September. Providing a keynote presentation sets the stage for the rest of the event and represents the most prominent role at our events. We utilise our deep understanding of the challenges faced by the market to help guide the focus of your keynote and ensure you are appropriately represented.
  • Interviews
    Have your company public figure interviewed by our Portfolio Director which will then be hosted online as well as promoted via our email and social media channels. Time is limited to 6 minutes. Ability to slice and dice the interview and be professionally designed for circulation on social media.
  • Virtual Roundtables
    AI Hardware & Systems hosts standalone and exclusive 90-minute virtual roundtable sessions that are designed to generate a high-level and private discussion with up to 20 C-level representatives from a customer base of your choice. This is an unrivalled opportunity for you to demonstrate your commitment and thought leadership as well as garner invaluable market insights in an exclusive closed-door setting.

Brand Awareness

Being front of mind for the market you serve is a fundamental part of being a leader in your space. Our deep engagement with the AI hardware and systems markets across many channels, including digitally and in-person at our conferences provides you multiple opportunities to align yourself with the marquee event in the industry

  • Newsletters
    Our bi-monthly newsletter contains insights from the industry to the industry, from news to exclusives, and thought-pieces and perspectives. A perfect opportunity to align your brand/product with some of the most topical and relevant industry content.
  • Content Marketing Packages
    Content marketing is a growing part of most companies’ marketing strategy, producing a wide range of assets including whitepapers, webinars, video content and in-depth discussion articles. Oftentimes this content is underpromoted and importantly not measured effectively as to which individuals and companies are engaging in the content.
  • Onsite Visibility
    Exhibit booths and designated meeting areas at our in-person events are a tried and true method to engage our audience, reinforce a visual presence as well as create a natural conversation point and opportunity to share collateral and make new connections.

Lead Generation

  • Eshots
    Our dedicated Eshot marketing allows you to send direct content to 50,000 industry leaders, offering provev results and community engagement,
  • Hosted Product Launch Day
    If you have a major initiative or product launch within the AI industry, we can ensure that the whole ecosystem is aware.
  • Webinars
    The AI Hardware & Systems team host themed webinars each year with availability for one sole partner. This offers you the perfect platform to engage with existing partners and prospective partners/customers, align your brand with a key industry topic and generate highly qualified leads.

Contact Us

Get in contact today to discover our full range of opportunities and learn more.